The Faery Powers

(+) denotes a dominant power
(-) denotes a recessive power
(*) denotes a dark power
(%) this power requires the user to have the energies of a dark power or it is inactive. All (%) powers are also (-) powers.
Revision 1.4

Accuracy (+)
Gains +1 to hit per FP spent. This lasts to the next swing (hit or miss).

You gain +2 faery bonus to an Acrobatics check. Free action to activate. May be used as an immediate action.

Animal Empathy (+)
You are good with animals. If you have Handle Animal, apply a +2 faery bonus to all checks you make with that skill. Gain +2 to a Ride check per FP spent.

Aquatic (+)
Apply a +2 faery bonus to a swim check.

Arachnid (%)
You can spin spider-like webs. Note: production of the web can be a little embarrassing.
   The web will support you and whatever you are capable of carrying.
   The DC to break or escape the web is equal to your strength. It forms as a single strand of goo that dries upon contact.
   While climbing your own web, you gain a +10 circumstance bonus.
   Strands last one hour before they break up and crumble. You can spin ten feet worth of web per FP spent.

Awareness (-)
You feel many subtle things about your body. By spending 2FP, you may take a second roll on a Fort Save against poison, or any spell effect from the element of Wood. You may choose to spend this after seeing the results of the first roll. You never catch colds. Note: Does not stack with Drinker.

Blemish (*)
You have a visible, very unnatural blemish, for example: vampire teeth, a third eye, or a horn.

Blind (*)
Make a daily faery power check (DC10). If you fail, you are partially sighted for the day.
   Apply a –2 penalty to DEX-based skill checks and perception checks while this power is in effect.

Body Manipulation (+)
You are very flexible. Apply a +2 faery bonus to an Escape Artist check.

When you make a ranged attack, roll twice and pick the lower value.

Breathe (-)
You can breathe in a foreign fluid element such as water or lava, though the power does not confer protection from that environment.
   Once activated, the power lasts for a number of rounds equal to your FP score at full strength. Select the substance upon activation.

You bruise easily. Bludgeoning weapons inflict two extra points of damage every time you are struck.

Burning Touch (%)
Your hands or weapon can become flaming. Apply your faery bonus (at full strength) as extra damage.
   Use lasts one round.

Cat Magnet (*)
You attract stray domestic cats. Other felines are inclined to strike you first.

Charm (-)
Gain +2 faery bonus to a Bluff or Diplomacy check.

Climb (+)
Gain a +2 bonus to a Climb check.

Dagn’s Leap(-)
You gain a +10 faery bonus to an Acrobatics check related to jumping.

Dancer of Contention (%)
When you perform an instinctive dance, you becomes a null-magic zone overlapping any area in the threat range of your natural weapons.
   It is a full round action to use or maintain this power (eg: it precludes attacking).

Dancer of the Mist (-)
When you perform an instinctive dance, all faery powers within 30 feet are disrupted.

Death Cry
Select a number of people equal to your faery bonus whom you know personally (or one if total zero or less). When you die of unnatural causes, each of these people receives a vision of how you died (Harmless, Will DC16 to resist).

Death View(-)
You can visualize deceased individuals from close observation of their bones. You need 50% or more of the skeleton, but the bones need not be intact, or even arranged. It costs one point per use which brings one target into clarity.

Demon Seed (*)
Your children are born with monstrous deformations (eg:  furry, horned child with green scaley, snake-like legs).

Depressed (*)
You and your followers gain a –2 penalty to morale checks, and will saves.

Your powers lend themselves to feats of amazing dexterity. Apply a +2 faery bonus to dexterity as an immediate action or as a free action.

Detect (+)
You can detect the use of other Faery powers within 60 feet of him (visible as a line of ether from source to destination). Each use lasts a number of rounds equal to your faery bonus.

Dimension Walk (-)
You can slip into the Faery Realm and safely travel at the cost of one FP per hour. To take other people, they need merely accompany you at an additional cost of 1 point per person per hour.

Direction Sense (+)
You automatically know compass North. Gain a +2 bonus to Profession sailor or similar nautical skills.

Diviner (+)
You have a supernatural sense of where to find underground water. Apply a +2 bonus to Survival checks when seeking food / water (this power is always on).

Dancer (%)
When you hear music, you feel the almost irresistible urge to dance.
   When any kind of song plays, make a will save DC 15 on your next initiative. Failure means you begin to caper. During this time, you may move and defend yourself, but attack actions and spells that require somatic elements are not possible .
   If the music ends, you are free from the effects for the next 24 hours. Make a will save every round until you break the effect.

Alcohol’s adverse side-effects do not influence you as much as others. If you ingest any harmful substance that provokes a Fort save (or are poisoned), roll twice and choose the better roll. Note: this does not stack with Awareness.

Empathy (+)
Pick a number of people equal to your faery bonus (or one if zero or less).
   You can sense emotions from them such that you or them may communicate simple “one-noun” concepts (eg “help” or “satisfied”).
   Each use lasts one minute, and is effective up to a mile.

Endurance (+)
For every point spent, you gain the effects of the Endurance feat for an hour.

Enduring Falsification(*)
Daily will save, DC 10. Upon failure, you cannot speak the truth that day. It is possible for clever characters to circumvent this (for example, using the written word).

Energy Absorption (+)
If any skill, feat, extraordinary ability, or supernatural ability gives you energy resistance, increase that resistance by +2. This power is always on.
   Note: Does not include spells or spell-like abilities.

Energy Resistance (-)
Pick an element when you obtain this power. You are resistant to energy from that element, reducing damage from it by 2 points.
   This power is always on.

You gain a +1 dodge bonus. This power is always on.

Faery Power Manipulation (%)
Roll opposed FP checks as a full-round action against a target you are in physical contact with.
   If you win, you can add a temporary power or remove an existing temporary power. A temporary power is any power added via the Faery Power Manipulation power (eg, not a chosen power).
   Temporary powers, despite the name, are permanent until removed. Each sentient entity has a slot for one temporary power, though a new slot can be reserved by expending a feat slot for this purpose.

Faery Power Suppression (%)
You  can suppress someone else's powers as a standard action which counts as an attack. Make opposed FP checks. If you win, you can suppress the other person’s faery powers for that round. You can maintain this effect by spending an extra point for each additional round.
   It is possible to voluntarily suppress yourself, in which case, the suppression lasts one hour per point (Suppression never suppresses itself).

Feather Fall (+)
You can slow your rate of descent as per the FeatherFall spell. This costs 1 FP per round and can be used as an immediate action.

Feign Death (%)
You are supernaturally talented at playing dead.
   While making a bluff check to feign death, gain a +2 to the roll. This power is always on.

At a cost of one FP per round, you glow in the dark. Light you emit is equivalent to a torch.

Fire Scry (-)
Gain plus +2 to a scry check you are about to commence provided you have a fire you can stare in as a focus.

Fire Starter(-)
You are able to light a torch as a standard action (rather than a full round action). If using a tinder twig, you can do it as a free action.

Fizer’s Roar (-)
Your natural weapons cause two points of extra “Thundering” damage this round.

Flight (%)
You can fly this round at a rate equal to your primary movement speed.

Gain a +2 faery bonus to Survival checks as pertains to tracking. This power is always on.

Friendship (-)
Fey creatures find you fascinating.
   Gain a +2 bonus to spot any hidden or invisible fey creature. (Effect is always on).
   Gain a +2 bonus to any diplomacy check dealing with fey.

Gaiko’s Attack (-)
Your bladed weapon inflicts two points of extra electricity damage this round.

Gardener (+)
You have a green thumb. If you are a herbalist, apply +2 to your profession checks.

Great Health (%)
Trade your FP for hitpoints. This can be used as an immediate action.
   If you also have the health  power, using Great Health causes two hp to be recovered per FP spent.

Grounder (*)
You find worms tasty. You suffer no ill effects from consuming them.
   If you are involved in food preparation or production (eg hunting), your meals have a 5% chance to be wormy, which may sicken your companions (Fort DC15 to avoid) for a day.

Growth (+)
You can grow your hair and/or finger/toe nails an extra twelve inches today.
   This power can only be activated once per day.

Everyday you wake up, make a will save DC15 or suffer a migraine (–2 penalty to your concentration checks).
   If you succeed on your save, a random companion within 30 feet must make the check as well, or else he will suffer the adverse effects.

Health (+)
Trade your FP for hitpoints. This can be used as an immediate action.

You strain easily. Reduce your carrying capacity as if your strength score was two points lower.

Hide (+)
Gain a +2 faery bonus to your stealth checks this round.

Ice Maker (-)
You can freeze water as a full round action.
   You create one pound of ice per point spent. The ice retains its original shape (eg is not shapable) and must come from a contiguous body of water you are in contact with.

Immunity: Energy (%)
*Requires Energy Absorption
   As a free action, you can increase your energy absorption by +4 by spending 1FP.

Invisibility (%)
You become invisible (Greater Invisibility) for this round.
   Using this power means partially stepping into the faerie realm in a way that provokes insanity. As a result, you suffer 1d4 points of Intelligence damage per round of invisibility use.

Apply a –4 penalty to acrobatics  checks related to jumping. This power is always on.

You are a little clumsy. Apply –2 penalty to dexterity.

Knotter (+)
You are good at tying knots.
   Increase the DC to escape your bindings by 2.

Leadership (+)
Apply +2 faery bonus to morale checks among followers.

Life (-)
You can hang onto life better than ordinary people. Apply your FP bonus to your constitution bonus when determining how far below zero you can go.

Light-footed (*)
Apply a +4 faery bonus to acrobatics checks. This power is always on.
   You now have a tail. If you are a Salamander or a Little, you now have two tails. Apply a – 2 penalty to charisma.

Lost (*)
You are terrible at following trails and tend to get lost easily.
   If there is a tracker in your party, apply a –2 penalty to his checks.

Mending (%)
You can mend objects as per the magical Mending spell (caster level zero). It costs one point per pound to use this power (in addition to the activation cost).

Music of the Faery (-)
Magical music tends to play around you (usually eerie chimes and harps).

Natural Body (+)
You have bright green or pink hair.

No Tracks (+)
Apply a –2 penalty to anyone attempting to track you.
   This power is always on.
   Elvenkind can apply this power to their mounts.

Obscurement (+)
Gain a +2 on your will saves against scrying.

Photosynthesis (*)
Tanning from sunlight makes your skin turn green. This power is always on.

Your saliva polishes metal. This power is always on.

You can read and recognize fingerprints by touch. It is sufficient to shake hands with people to get their prints.
   This power is always on. It does not confer any special ability to memorize the prints.

Rainbow Seer (+)
You spot rainbows more than usual.
   When you cast Rainbow Pattern, Hypnotic Pattern, or any Prismatic spells, increase the Will DC by 2 if applicable.
   If you are a target of Rainbow pattern, Hypnotic Pattern, or and Prismatic spells, apply a – 2 to any Will saves you make against them.
   This power is always on.

Sick (*)
   You are easily sickened.
   Apply a – 2 penalty to all saves against poisons or toxins.

Shadow Meld (%)
You gain +4 to stealth, +6 acrobatics, and +10 to your movement speed this round.
   At the end of any round you spend melded, you suffer 1d4 points of Intelligence damage as a result of making an association with the borders of the faery realm.

Sharp Hearing (+)
   You have especially sensitive ears.
   Apply +2 to perception checks involving sound.
   This power is always on.

Shrieker (*)
Your laugh ends in an unusual, high-pitched squeak.
   Apply –2 to diplomacy skill.

Sight (+)
   Apply +2 to perception checks involving vision.
   This power is always on.

You possesses an unearthly singing voice that captures attention.
   If you are a bard, gain a +2 Faery Bonus on your rolls for any round you activate the power.

Snake Touch(*)
   You have venomous saliva (Note: not poisonous). A bite from you inflicts normal damage plus 1d6 hitpoints of damage (Fort DC 15 for half).
   You are more resistant to healing magic. Reduce healing effects by 1d6 (minimum 1).
   This power is always on.

Soul Kiss (%)
   *Requires the Iron Will feat.
   You can transfer your essence into another life form.
   This power functions similar to the Magic Jar spell. It is blocked by protection from evil or protection from good (whichever one is opposite from you or both if you are neutral).
   The subject must succeed at a Will save DC15 or be frozen within their minds while you control the body.
   It costs you 1 FP per hit die to make a possession attempt. Attempting to possess a life force that is too strong for you leaves you drained of FP (and unsuccessful).
   All other aspects function as a jar-less Magic Jar spell. After activation, you can maintain this  power by spending one point per hour.

Soul of the Sand (+)
You can go without food and water for one day before any ill effects kick in.
   After this day, the regular progress of any thirst or starvation begin normally.
   This power is always on.

Speech of the Faery (+)
Add Sylvan to your list of languages.

Spell Resistance (%)
Add a +2 bonus to your next save at a cost of 4 FP.
   If you roll and still fail, you may spend 8 FP immediately in order to re-roll (You retain the bonus).
   This power can be used as an immediate action.

You are covered in large, painful boils.
   Any bludgeoning weapon has a 5% chance to inflict double damage against you as it bursts the boils open.
   Anyone within ten feet of you when the boils burst has a chance to gain Spores as a temporary power (Will DC 15 to avoid).

Star Sight (-)
You have darkvision (30) this round.
   If you already have darkvision, double its range. If you have low light, you gain dark vision (60).
   This power can be used as a free action.

Sticky (*)
Your skin sticks to flat surfaces.
Apply a +4 bonus to climb checks. Apply a – 2 penalty to dexterity related skill checks and ranged attacks.

Statue (%)
You turn into solid stone for the round.
   You do not need to breathe while in this form. You can perceive your surroundings as if you had working ears and eyes. You gain a hardness of 8 during this shift, and retain your hitpoints.

Stick Scry (+)
Gain plus +2 to a scry check you are about to commence provided you have a handful of twigs or branches you can stare at as a focus. You stir, agitate or release the sticks to fall repeatedly during the process.

Stone (*)
You sink easily.
   Apply –4 to swim checks.

Strength (-)
Your powers lend themselves to feats of incredible strength. Apply a +2 faery bonus to strength as an immediate action or as a free action.

Striking (-)
Ignore 4 points of hardness this round.

Sustenance (+)
You can forgo the needs of food and drink for one point per day.

Summon Mount (-)
Once per day, when you are outdoors, you can whistle for a mount that arrives with a saddle and allows you to ride it.
   The mount will usually be a light riding horse, but in regions where horses are scarce, it may be a light coodle.
   If you are a paladin with the mount divine bond, add your faery bonus to the mount’s hit die and intelligence. Increase the number of times you can use your mount ability by one.
   Duration 1pt/hr

Telepathy (+)
You can speak to anyone with this power across large distances. Range is 1 mile times the faery bonus of the strongest participant. Double the range if you are a Little.

Tears of the Kraken (%)
Your tears can convert a vial of plain water into an elixir that will cure hitpoints.
   It takes ten minutes to create a vial. Every 2 FP you spend can be used to create one vial. The elixir lasts one day per character level (dismissible). You do not recover FP naturally while any elixirs exist.
   Each elixir, when quaffed, acts as a cure light wounds spell (caster level 1).

You always knows what time of day it is, even if locked in a dungeon.

You have a third arm. This arm has a strength of 1 and can grip objects up to a quarter lb in weight.

Vampire (*)
You do not heal under sunlight.
   If you take bed rest to regain hit points, you require shade, or it counts as regular healing.
   If you are magically healed while under sunlight, you gain only half the effects (minimum 1).

Warmth (+)
Winter weather doesn’t bother you. You gain Resistance Cold (5).
   This power is always on.

Warp (*)
You cannot accurately estimate distances and angles. Apply a –2 penalty to appraisal checks, acrobatics checks, and any craft checks related to building.

Water Scry (+)
Gain plus +2 to a scry check you are about to commence provided you have a bowl of clean water you can stare in as a focus object.

Water Touch(+)
You may spend your points to reduce incoming bleeding damage.

Weakness (*)
You gain a –2 penalty to saves against diseases, poisons, and magical curses. This power is always on.

Weightlessness (-)
You, and all your gear are 50% lighter this round. The effect ends immediately on any items that leave your possession.

Youth (-)
You can cannibalize your FP score to add years to your life. Add 10 years per point (this is a permanent reduction).

Add a faery bonus of 10 feet to your movement speed. For gnomes, this power is always on.