Faery Power Strength is lost through the use of powers. It returns just like any attribute damage.
   There can be opposed FP contests. In these contests, each character applies his current FP modifier in his favour.
   Faery powers are supernatural abilities (eg: Anti-magic shell suppresses them). If a character who has a positive FPS reaches 0, he loses consciousness until he recovers back to one.
   Use of faery powers is a standard action (unless otherwise stated in the power). With a few obvious exceptions (eg Weaponsmith) the use does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
   Unless stated otherwise, faery powers (notably Dimension Walk) cannot penetrate a thin sheet of lead.

Using FPS directly
   Spending and burning FPS occurs upon declaration and does not require an action. Spending and burning are supernatural abilities that cause faery-modifiers.
   Spending points will deplete your FPS score. Spending will regenerate normally.
   Burning will also deplete your FPS score, but it will not regenerate. It is a permanent reduction.
∙  You may spend 1 FPS to gain a +2 faery modifier on a declared skill-check.
∙  You may spend 1 FPS to gain a +2 attack bonus that lasts a full round. This use stacks.
 ∙ You may spend 1 FPS to gain 2 hit-points. This can be used to save you from an attack that dealt lethal damage. It can be used after the damage has occurred, as long as it is used before your next action
∙  You may burn off 1 FPS to avoid an attack that meant instant death (Symbol of Death, vorpal, etc). This leaves you at –10 hp instead of dead.

How to gain powers
   At character creation, roll a random general power and a regional power. You may also receive some automatic racial powers.
   If you roll a duplicate random power, roll again.
   At level 5 and every multiple of 5 (eg 10, 15, etc), add a new power to your abilities. You may choose any power you qualify for.
   Anyone (even people who don't normally have a power) has an "empty slot" into which they may gain powers (see Empty Slots).