The Bonded Fairy

   Any character may take a fairy as a familiar. This has different rules from the wizard’s familiar (though for wizards, it uses up the familiar slot).
   The process of gaining the familiar is called bonding. During the bonding ritual, the participants drink of a secret nectar (known only to the fae and druids, known to outsiders as Honey-Rose Water), and thereafter the two are bonded for life. If the fairy is unwilling, it must be killed in the process. It generally costs 200gp in materials per character level, and takes 8 hours to complete.
   Legend (incorrectly) has it that maple tree sap will stick to fairies so villagers will often hunt fairies with sticks smeared with sap.
   There is an empathic bond between the two while they are within 30 feet. Outside 30 feet, there is no empathic bond, and none of the bonded powers work except flight.
   The bond exists until one party dies. Fairies, being immortal, will almost never willingly bond with other immortals, including elves and dragons.
   It is possible to bond with more than one fairy, but they are likely to become possessive and prone to bickering.
   Fairies can turn off their bonded power as a standard action. Attempting to store a fairy in a box or cage will usually cause them to do so in protest (See creature listing for fairy).
   If the familiar is dismissed by mutual agreement, both parties take no penalty, and the bond dissolves.
   If the familiar is dismissed by the master, but is unwilling or if the familiar dies, the master repeat the bonding process for one week (even if the fairy has been recovered).
   Note to spell casters: Fairies are particularly adept at the elements of Wood and Mist. They can cast a spell out of your daily allotment as long as the spell falls within those two elements. The chosen spell must be one level lower than the highest level spell you can cast, to a maximum of sixth level. This uses up the assigned spell as if you had cast it (the familiar taps your ability).

Bonded Powers

A bonded fairy grants the partner one of the following for the duration of the bond.
□    One faery power of choice
□    One extra spell slot
□    +2 bonus to an attribute
□    +1 to a save
□    Fly (at speed)

*Just for clarification, Brownies, Pixies, Mitras, Sprites, etc are Faery but are not fairies with respect to bonding. At some point in time, the lazy DM will coin a better term for "fairy".